Reasons Why Women Are More Prone To Osteoarthritis than Men

Reasons Why Women Are More Prone To Osteoarthritis than Men

Joint aches and osteoarthritis are more common in women as compared to men. Studies have revealed that the joints of women degenerate more quickly as compared to men. OA is a degenerative condition, which has an effect on the joints because of the loss of cartilage over the years. Cartilage is a protein, which offers a cushioning layer between a person�s joints. As time passes, there is erosion in the cartilage that increases the friction in a person�s joints resulting in decay.

If this happens, you can look for joint support products such as PIP Elekiban Support. If you are having elbow support issues, you can consider elbow support products such as PIP Elekiban Elbow Support. Check out their website for more information.

The major signs of osteoarthritis include joint aches, stiff joints, swollen joints among others. Factors such as family history, previous injury, trauma, and age are some of the common reasons for the condition. Here are some of the top reasons why women suffer more fro osteoarthritis.

1. Hormonal differences
There are hormonal differences between women and men that play an important part in causing osteoarthritis. It has been observed that women post their menopause have a higher likelihood of succumbing to arthritis due to reduced estrogen levels in their bodies. At the same time, those women who undergo hormone replacement therapy after their menopause have a lower possibility of developing OA. Some experts feel that estrogen can have a positive impact on cartilage.

2. Trauma/injury caused to the knees
It is another key reason why women may be more vulnerable to succumb to osteoarthritis as compared to men. There is a well-established theory that women suffer more from ACL or anterior cruciate ligament injuries as compared to men. Such injuries result in OA in the future irrespective of gender.

3. Knee joint�s anatomy is different
Men and women not only have anatomical differences. Even kinematic differences can have a crucial role to play in causing osteoarthritis more in women. When the measurement of knee movements was done with respect to stop-jump activities, it was observed that women exhibited a higher range of motion and extension than women. The difference mechanics put a greater pressure in the women�s knees making them more susceptible to osteoarthritis. It has been also seen that women athletes suffer more fro OA as compared to men.

4. Knee cartilage volume
The difference between the musculoskeletal structures between men and women cannot be denied. Even the bone volume and density are different in males and females. A study also indicates that the knee cartilage volume is different in men and women making women more prone to osteoarthritis.

Hence, women should be more cautious and ensure that they are having proper diets, good circulation, and exercise regularly, especially post their menopause years. They can also consider using support products, like the one we have mentioned above.