The Advancement of Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

The Advancement of Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

As more individuals and organizations continue to digitize their systems, threats have continued to grow. Internet security has become paramount. Attackers do not just try to infiltrate networks, they are finding ways to go around the intrusion detection systems. The evolution of intrusion detection systems has become necessary if the security of data is to be prioritized. Since attacks come in different forms, it is vital to focus on the known and unknown attacks. All networks used need to be protected, particularly if you deal with sensitive information. Apart from networks, attacks on applications have become more frequent since these are often overlooked. If applications are used, you need to secure your system fully, as this could be the access point of the attacks to your system.

An integrated Intrusion Detection System in Singapore is not easy to find. If you are looking for one, look for ATT Systems Intrusion Detection System. They have a wide range of expertise and can advise you on your security needs. Visit their site today.

In this article, John PIRC discusses the changed intrusion detection systems have undergone over the years to suit the evolving threats.

How intrusion detection systems have evolved

“Having worked for the past 20 years for nearly every IDS/IPS vendor in product management and research, I’ve seen a lot of improvements to IDS/IPS products. They all are still quite similar to their original incarnation, which started with an academic paper written in 1986. The IDS/IPS basic fundamentals are still used today in traditional IDS/IPSs,…” Read more here

When intrusion detection systems were first introduced, the focus was on the known threats. Over the years, the unknown risks have been of great concern. Worries of these threats led to the use of anomaly and signature intrusion detection systems. These are used to identify any suspicious activities and send notifications. Between 2000 and 2005, intrusion detection systems were preferred to intrusion prevention systems. These systems have continued to see growth and higher adoption by organizations, with some combining both methods to heighten the security of their networks.

In this article,  Crystal Bedell discusses the importance and the value of application awareness with the use of intrusion detection systems.

When and why you need intrusion detection systems

“Over the years, network intrusion detection and prevention systems have evolved to handle varying types of threats. These days, network managers expect network intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to detect Web application attacks and include anomaly-awareness in addition to handling older threats that haven’t disappeared.” Read more here

Intrusion detection systems come with many diverse features. It is difficult, especially for a novice, to determine what he needs and what will work for home and office networks. Networks have different threats, and it is essential to distinguish the type of risks you may be exposed to. This will help you when choosing which intrusion detection system, you should use. Some individuals have opted for intrusion prevention systems over intrusion detection systems. For some, this has worked. Others have had to introduce intrusion detection systems to work with the already installed intrusion prevention system because of the type threats their operations are exposed to.   

In this article, Information Security Media Group gives tips on how organizations can boost information security with the use of intrusion detection systems.


How organizations can secure information and data using intrusion detection systems

Intrusion detection and prevention software has become a necessary addition to the information security infrastructure of many organizations, so the National Institute of Standards and Technology is updating its guidance to help organizations to employ the appropriate programs. NIST is seeking comments from stakeholders on the guidance…” Read more here

It has become necessary for organizations to consider intrusion detection systems for wireless network traffic. This is because the use of devices such as mobile phones and tablets have increased possibilities of threats through unexpected channels. Rather than working with the assumption that information is safe, all possible entry points need to be considered, especially if employees use their mobile devices to access data in the network.

Although networks are exposed to many threats, intrusion detection systems have been improved to match the risks. It is up to organizations and individuals to determine the possible threats and which intrusion detection systems are best suited for these threats. They also need to know where to place the intrusion detection systems. As much as these systems are designed to protect the network against attacks, they should not affect the running of the network.